Thursday 12 March 2020

Treating Yourself to Happiness

What a glorious day it is. Yesterday my husband sent me a text message that had a quote from Maya Angelo, the quote said something to the effect of look up at this beautiful day, thank you for this day, I’ve never seen this one before. How awesome is that to look at each day as being something new, a day we’ve never seen before. Why is it so hard for us to think that way at times? I guess it’s because life is so busy, we just need to slow down a tad. Whether we’re crafting our own beautiful little candy boxes or wreaths (which you know I’ve grown to love talking about), life can be so full of wondrous things at times. It merely takes a new perspective to appreciate those very things you don’t typically notice.

That’s what I love about working in The Wreath Shoppe: it feels like a slower pace. I’ll hunt and peck over details in a wreath instead of frantically running around poking things in here and there. No, in The Wreath Shoppe I sit back and ponder, I take a 1000 breaks, I stop and listen to the birds singing outside! I don’t know why but something about a hobby relaxes us even when we may have a deadline, we still work toward that deadline in a more Relaxed manner.

Just like when cleaning The Wreath Shoppe, it can be a daunting task depending on how much work I have been doing there in the past several months. Seeing all the boxes that need repackaged, seeing all the baskets that need straightened, seeing all the flowers scraps and ribbon scraps that need to be swept, can feel a little overwhelming! But what if I looked at it as an awesome chore that I get to do, because I’m healthy enough to do it. What if I looked at it as I’ve never cleaned the shoppe this way before. Might that attitude bring even more joy to me in my everyday activity? Might that attitude lower my heart rate just a tad (to combat the extra sugar from the many candyboxes I sometimes get into)? I believe that attitude would work miracles if only we could adopt that attitude, and it’s not even a matter of “being able” to adopt it or not. It’s making that choice to see things in a new and positive light.

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